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What’s on – October 2023

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Behind the scenes by Hannah Beck This term, we are working with FabLab Coventry to offer free costume and woodwork workshops, to create set and costumes for our Lights Up! Project performance at the Belgrade Theatre, in February 2024. The workshops will
With the children about to head back to school after the summer holidays, we’ve gone back to our usual timetabled activity rather than the drop-in sessions we’ve hosted throughout August. Register interest here Already registered? Email:
This August we’ve gone a bit rogue from our usual timetable. Most sessions this month will be drop-in style so you can stay for as long as you want rather than doing set times to help with if you have
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June timetable is live for you to book on for all your favourite sessions with us. Learn some new skills, whilst making the perfect gifts for friends and family – or just to keep for yourself! Want to book on
Community Peer Researchers wanted for West Midlands-wide project Come and join an innovative project to help shape our understanding of how to build a more inclusive society and economy. Would you like to: – engage more with your community and
This year, for the first time, FabLab Coventry will be running our very own character-designing and spoken poetry summer workshops, specifically for year 11 and year 13 school leavers. Join the team in a welcoming and supportive space, develop confidence,
What will you be doing on this workshop? On this creative coding workshop you will learn how to use a flexible software sketchbook to learn how to code. Designed for electronic arts, new media art and visual design, you will
What will you be doing on this workshop? On this programming with audio programming workshop, you will learn how to use Pure Data (or Pd) as a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video and graphical processing. Working with different