Briefcase of Mineral applications is an EIT Raw Materials funded project, ran October 2018 – December 2019, aimed to bring the opportunity to learn more about minerals through hands-on experience, specifically targeting to train teachers and children. Looking to demystify the use of mineral applications and raise knowledge of mining activities through practical and fun learning activities.

Over the 7 European partners, 4 different thematic briefcases were produced covering: cobalt and batteries; gold and conflict minerals; recycling and platinum; and, FabLab Coventry’s development, tin and daily life.

Looking to raise pupil’s knowledge of mining activities and mineral applications, Briefcase teaches pupils, between the ages of 6 – 14, about the impact purchase decisions have.

Although this project has now come to a close, the follow on project, 3D Briefcase will be starting soon. In the mean time, you can still familiarise yourself with the minerals that are used in the manufacture of everyday objects through the Briefcase of Mineral Applications game.



EIT Briefcase of Minerals Applications
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